miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011


Oh, Duckman, how I love you.

Duckman is a great means for age verification. If you ask anyone if they know what Duckman is and they say yes, they're probably in their late twenties or early thirties. If they don't know who he is, then they must as well be underage and you better run, because that conversation is quickly going nowhere.

I used to watch Duckman as a kid (pre-teen, to be more precise) and it scarred me for life. No, it wasn't the adult themes that the show covered WAY ahead of its time, it was that over-the-top, cliffhanging last episode. I waited and waited and waited until torrents were invented (the series was never released in Argentina and was not available on DVD at the time) that I realized that was supposed to be the actual ending of the show. Not unlike that OTHER SHOW with the Alien Life Form.

And speaking about ALF, does anybody else find slightly disturbing that everyone calls him by that acronym insted of his real name, Gordon? I mean, imagine a show where someone from Korea was referenced just as "Korean" or, to be more blunt, Jewish people were called just "Jews". It would elicit an uproar, and with good reason.

But I digress. The video above belongs to a show I enjoy, mostly because its host clearly does careful research on his subjects but doesn't need to bloat about it. A Top 11 moments of Fluffy and Uranus, because you know what I think of PC messages.

2 comentarios:

  1. I already thought Jason Alexander was cool, to know that he was the voice of Duckman (which I had previously only seen in spanish) is enough reason to watch the whole thing... again?

  2. I still remember this screwed son of a bitch from an airing in that complete crap of a channel, US Network... Being 12 and still in the Sugar Age of animation, it was something on the line of "Is he actually staring the tits of a pig-woman? Whoa, that was wrong... and... wait, no! not the fluffy bears... no! what's happening?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?!?!"

    I figured up afterwards. Duckman is God.
