viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Okay, maybe I was wrong

Maybe South Park deserves back its crown of the edgiest TV cartoon in town. Not as surprising, but you can judge it for yourselves watching the full-episode here.

BE WARNED: It's South Park. You're bound to be offended.

3 comentarios:

  1. How could offend you a cartoon where Saddam Hussein fucks a gaylord satan?? Or the same cartoon how beware that canadian are the worst people??

  2. Or where Iraqi children are given a dollar while their houses are being blasted by smart bombs?

  3. My god, this episode is absolute gold. Kristallnacht and Rise of the Dead with trashy Jerseys!!! No wonder why in TvTropes Jersey is in the "Place Worse Than Death" list.

    Though I would like someone to explain me the "cabbage" thing... without saying that is just a Jersey thing.

    You bitch!
